How to Apply To Graduate Programs
Applicants to all master's degree and graduate certificate programs, as well as those applicants interested in enrolling in a single course as a non-matriculating graduate student, must complete an online graduate application.
Application and Fee Information
Important Information (Please read before applying):
- Please do not wait to submit your application while waiting for other application materials to be completed or submitted.
- Your letters of recommendation can now be submitted fully online through the application system. You will be prompted to enter your recommender information once you click the "submit" button on your application.
- Applications and supplemental materials do not need to be sent in a single, complete package; each credential can be submitted as it becomes available.
- All communication from the Office of Graduate Admission regarding your application will come via email. It is extremely important that you enter a valid email address on your application.
Submit Your Application
Apply Now for Fall 2025, Spring 2026, or Fall 2026
Apply Now for Fall 2025, Spring 2026, or Fall 2026
Master of Architecture Applicants
Please apply to the first term you wish to enroll after you graduate from your undergraduate study.
4+1 M.A. Biotechnology Applicants
Please apply to the summer term you wish to enroll after you graduate from your undergraduate study
4+1 M.A. Special Education Applicants
Please apply to the summer term you wish to enroll after you graduate from your undergraduate study.
4+1 M.B.A. Applicants
Please apply to the fall term you wish to enroll after you graduate from your undergraduate study.
4+1 M.S. Criminal Justice Applicants
Please apply to the summer term you wish to enroll after you graduate from your undergraduate study and select the M.S. Criminal Justice (4+1 option) program.
All Other RWU Applicants
Please apply to the first term you wish to enroll after you graduate from undergraduate study.
Application Fee
Amount: $50
There is a $50 fee to submit your graduate application. To pay the fee, you will be prompted at the end of the application to pay online with a credit card.
Please contact the Office of Graduate Admission for an application fee waiver if:
- You completed your undergraduate degree at Roger Williams University;
- You are a military service member, veteran, spouse, dependent, or Department of Defense employee.
Fee waivers are also available if you attend a Graduate Open House, Information Session, or Virtual Information Session.
College Transcript
Required for: All programs
All graduate applicants must submit transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended that granted credit used toward an undergraduate degree, regardless of the number of credits earned. Transcripts from all institutions are still required even if transfer credits were granted at the institution where you obtained your undergraduate degree.
Transcripts must be official and issued directly by your undergraduate institution(s). Copies or scans will not be accepted as official documents.
RWU STUDENTS: The Office of Graduate Admission will obtain your transcripts on your behalf.
How to submit your college transcripts
Transcripts can be accepted in the following ways:
- Mail – Most colleges and universities print and mail official college transcripts directly to us. Requests for transcripts can generally be completed online or over the phone with the Registrar’s Office at your undergraduate institution(s). Mailed transcripts will only be accepted if they are sealed in an envelope by your undergraduate institution(s). Transcripts should be sent to us at the following address:
Office of Graduate Admission
Roger Williams University
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809
- Electronic Transcripts – The Office of Graduate Admission can accept electronic transcripts if your institution provides official transcripts through an online system or exchange (ie. Parchment) that requires authentication (a password or code). Electronic transcripts must be sent directly from the originating institution and be sent to our main office email account, Transcripts sent as attachments without authentication will not be accepted as official documents.
- In Person – Official transcripts may be brought to the Office of Graduate Admission in person, Monday through Friday, between 8:30am and 5:00pm. Transcripts will only be accepted as official if in the original, sealed envelope from the originating institution. If needed, transcripts can be delivered to our Providence Campus. Please contact our office at 401-254-6200 if you wish to drop off materials in Providence.
Letter of Intent and Resume
Letter of Intent
Required for: All programs
All applicants to a graduate degree or certificate program at Roger Williams University must submit a letter of intent. The letter of intent should be one-to-two, double-spaced pages in length. Use the letter of intent to tell us more about you that we cannot learn from your resume or academic transcripts. Some ideas to discuss in your letter include your career goals, your interest in your field of study, your ability to positively contribute to your intended graduate program, your motivation to succeed in the program, and more.
Roger Williams University is an open, accepting and affirming community of citizen scholars. We stand firmly committed to creating a campus that is diverse and inclusive as well as welcoming to and accepting of all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ability, socio-economic class, age or spirituality.
We reflect this in our many programs, initiatives, organizations, and clubs throughout the university, ranging from our undergraduate programs to the School of Law.
In your letter of intent, we welcome you to answer the following question: In what ways do you believe your distinctive experiences and background would positively impact and enrich our university community? (Please feel free to respond in your own authentic voice, and use any format – including bullet points - to share a brief statement)
Note for M.A. Special Education students
For your letter of intent, please explain the following:
- Why you hold the dispositions to become a special education teacher committed to equity; and
- Experiences that inspired your desire to work with youth with exceptionalities.
You may upload your letter on your application portal, email your letter to our office at, or mail it to us at the following address:
Office of Graduate Admission
Roger Williams University
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809
Required for: M.A./M.S. Cybersecurity, M.S. Leadership, M.P.A. (Public Administration), and M.A. Special Education programs
Recommended for: All programs
Applicants to the Cybersecurity, Leadership, Public Administration, and Special Education programs are required to submit a professional resume to be considered for admission. While not a requirement for admission to other programs, students who possess any work or research experience should consider submitting a resume to be included with your application package. Your resume should include your education and any extracurricular activities, work experience, research or publications, volunteer or community involvement, and any earned professional development or certifications.
Please upload your resume on your application portal, email it to our office at, or mail it to us at the following address:
Office of Graduate Admission
Roger Williams University
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809
Letters of Recommendation
Required for: All programs except graduate certificate programs
Number Required: Two (2), except for the M.A. Forensic Mental Health Counseling program, which requires three (3) letters of recommendation.
Applicants to any master’s degree program at Roger Williams University must submit letters of recommendation from professional sources. Some examples of professional sources include work supervisors, college professors, employers, and internship coordinators, among others. You should select recommenders who know you well, can speak about your character and work ethic, and can attest to your ability to handle graduate level coursework. Recommendation letters should not be submitted from personal friends or family members.
How to submit your letters of recommendation
Letters of recommendation can be submitted in one of three ways:
- Online - Once you submit your online application, you will be prompted to provide the names and email addresses of your recommenders. Each recommender will receive a unique login to the application system to submit the recommender form and narrative on your behalf. Once submitted, it will update the status to "received" on your applicant portal.
- Email – Letters of recommendation can be submitted via email provided they are emailed directly from your recommender. Recommendations should be sent to
- Mail or delivered in person to our office – If you choose to have your letters submitted in hard copy, they must be hand-signed and delivered to us in a sealed envelope either in person or mailed to our office at the following address:
Office of Graduate Admission
Roger Williams University
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809
Additional Requirements
Some programs require additional materials not covered in the other sections on this page. Please review the items that pertain to your application.
Standardized test scores are not required for admission to graduate programs outside the School of Law at Roger Williams University. However, students may be asked to submit scores as an addendum to a completed admission file at the discretion of the faculty.
If you have taken a standardized test and wish to include your scores, we encourage you to submit your score report to us at
Required for: Master of Architecture (M.Arch) program
Applicants to the M.Arch program must submit a portfolio with examples of your work. You should plan to submit at least 8-10 pieces of work as part of your portfolio. This work may include drawings, computer generated images, artwork, and other materials that demonstrate your skills in design. Your portfolio can be provided to us in electronic or hard-copy format.
How to submit your portfolio
Your portfolio can be submitted in one of three ways:
- Online - You can submit you portfolio as part of your online application. You will be prompted to upload your work at the end of your application or you can provide a link to where your work is hosted. You may also upload it in your applicant portal after you have submitted your application.
- Mail or delivered in person to our office – If you decide to provide a hard-copy portfolio, you can deliver it to us in person or mail to our office at the following address:
Office of Graduate Admission
Roger Williams University
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809
- Email –You can email your portfolio (PDF) or portfolio link (website or cloud storage link) to
Required for: M.S. Preservation Practices program
Applicants to the M.S. Preservation Practices program are required to submit a scholarly research paper, 10 pages minimum, with sources cited employing a conventional style. In most cases, students are able to submit a paper written as part of his/her undergraduate program. Please contact the Office of Graduate Admission if you have difficulty fulfilling this requirement and an alternative option may be provided by the faculty.
You may upload your paper on your application portal, email your letter to our office at, or mail it to us at the following address:
Office of Graduate Admission
Roger Williams University
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809
Required for: Middle School Endorsement Certificate program
Applicants to the Middle School Endorsement Certificate program must submit a copy of an active and valid teaching certificate. This document can be sent via email to or mailed or delivered to the following address:
Office of Graduate Admission
Roger Williams University
1 Old Ferry Rd.
Bristol, RI 02809
Required for: M.A. Special Education program
Applicants to the M.A. Special Education program must sit for an interview with the program director prior to an admission decision. Please contact the Office of Graduate Admission for assistance with scheduling at 401-254-6200 or